Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Stepping out in Faith

My biggest hurdle in this time would be procrastination. I thought, if this thing could just be done with by hiring the right people, it is going to be a snap! Unfortunately I actually have to do work (SHOCK!!)

As I have intimated, the premise of a free school for the underprivileged is just the tip of the iceberg.

Preface the following statements with this: 

"I am a Christian. I am devoted to the Lord Jesus. I am NOT in this for the sole purpose of social justice, as I believe this is just going to put a band-aid on a tumor. I am NOT in this for the sole purpose of charity, as I believe that empowerment, enterprise and education are basic human rights, not just for the well-to-do. I will be making money from this, but only after the first 5 years, and after I have invested a HUGE amount of resources (read: time and money) into the project. I believe that generating income from such an endeavor is NOT SINFUL and finally I believe that the Lord's Will is for everyone to know Him and to share the Good News to everyone."

I believe it is pertinent that you acknowledge the context of what I am about to declare.

Basic Business Plan:

Step 1: Obtain permission to build a school (or a pre-existing one)
  • Free to the underprivileged (poor to lower middle class), with a voluntary contribution fee per annum (quite like the NSW  Public School System)
  • Focusing on NSW standards of education, and hopefully a recognition of learning transferable to AUS
  • Scripture classes are going to be part of the curriculum as well as a voluntary attendance to church/ Sunday School/ Youth groups but is NON-Mandatory
Step 2: Once school is built and pupils start learning, main focus on re-training their parents with a stipend. Skills such as basic trade to advanced trade (basic construction all the way up to an electrician's license)
  • More study is needed on this, yet I do believe re-training, or reinforcing training to an Australian International standard is the go just to make sure that there is future income rather than making a minimum wage earner return to their level of poverty.
  • Initially the candidates are either set up with their own mentors to apprentice them into basic skills. Favorable candidates will be sent over to TAFE NSW for further training.
  • As the Foundation progresses, this will need to be more of a training centre, focused on International Standard Trade training.
  • Instill in each participant the importance of paying forward, thus each employed/earning participant will be encouraged to sponsor/support students of the School besides their own kin.
  • Fostering a sense of Community, this group of participants will be encouraged to attend Church/ Couples Ministry/ Sunday School/ Bible Study, but it is NON-Mandatory
Step 3: Once parents are sufficiently trained, they will be encouraged to form their own consulting / contracting businesses, otherwise assistance will be given for them to obtain employment.
  • A percentage of their takings will be forwarded to the running costs of the school
  • An active arm of the foundation will be needed to source contracts for the skilled to obtain and do.
  • Profits will be solely the proprietors. (that is any funds left after the expenses, including salaries and proceeds for the Foundation)
Step 4: Re-create the process and move to another location
  • Hopefully this formulae can be extended to match other countries such as Myanmar or Cambodia

I know it seems simplistic, but the basic gist is the same. A self-funding charity that perpetuates Free Enterprise.

Let me know what you guys think!!!! I am keen to hone this bad boy to a pointy stick so I can poke out the eyes of oppression and poverty.

1 comment:

  1. After having a read, my wife then told me to expand my expectations to be 10 years profit, 5 years at sustainability
